What do I mean – relaxing the fibres?
When a garment, or fabric, is washed it often comes out
looking puckered up. The fibres are tight and distorted. This is particularly
so in the case of a cotton garment or fabric.
The way to relax the fibres is to iron the garment or
fabric. In other words you need to apply heat and pressure via the iron’s
soleplate to ease the distorted fibres. When the fibres are relaxed and no
longer distorted the garment or fabric will look normal again.
With the modern steam and dry iron the steam setting also
helps to ease the distorted fibres. The hot steam softens the fibres and makes
the ironing process easier.
Now what sort of application could this refer to in our
Notice the garment is already clean. It’s like a new born
again believer in the Lord Jesus Christ; that person is clean in God’s sight.
However, God has much work to do in that soul’s life. There may be prejudices,
wrong attitudes, hypocrisies, pride or any number of conditions in the person’s
life to sort out.
Their salvation is secure; but they have much to learn in
‘the school of God’s grace’.
Hebrews 12:5, 6, “(5)
...My son, do not despise the chastening of the Lord, nor be discouraged when
you are rebuked by Him: (6) for whom the Lord loves He chastens, and scourges
every son whom He receives.”
This chastening is like the hot iron relaxing the fibres of
the fabric. It is easing the distortions and smoothing out the puckering.
Hebrews 12:11, “Now
no chastening seems to be joyful for the present, but painful; nevertheless,
afterward it yields the peaceable fruits of righteousness to those who have
been trained by it.”
Sometimes in our lives the chastening is applied harder;
like when we iron a garment and come to a difficult, unwelcome crease in the
fabric. More heat and pressure is required to remove the crease. Sometimes
steam, or dampening the crease with water, is needed to remedy the situation.
Always remember – “...whom
the Lord loves He chastens...” The chastening is for our benefit; for God
the Father is conforming us into the image of His Son. (Romans 8:29). He is
relaxing the fibres of our being; so that the finished product is splendid in
His sight.
Jon Peasey
[All Scriptures quoted are from the New King James version]
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