The purpose of this blog is to encourage fellow Christians, with short devotions and thoughts from the Scriptures.

Thursday, 20 December 2012

Christmas Time

Another festive season is upon us. People are busy with Christmas shopping and wishing each other "Merry Christmas". Our so called 'Western' societies are getting ready to celebrate Christmas once again.

Most 'Western' societies have been founded on Christian principles. Christian principles have come from God's Holy Bible. The freedom and liberties we have in our 'Western' societies have come about due to one man. His name is Jesus Christ! The very word Christian denotes a follower of Christ. However there are many nominal Christians, but they in reality do not follow Christ. They subscribe to creeds and follow traditions; rather than follow the person of Christ.

As I sit and reflect on these matters, I am forced to realise how different our lives would be if Jesus Christ had not come to save mankind.

The world that Jesus Christ was born into was a vastly different scenario to today's world.  There were no 'Christian' countries. The Roman Empire ruled the known world. Rome worshipped idols; as did all other countries except Israel. Rome also ruled Israel.

It has been noted that one third of the population ruled by Rome were slaves; under the absolute control of their individual masters. The Romans were a cruel and oppressive nation. They ruled with an iron rod.

If Jesus Christ had not come and died willingly on the cross at Calvary we would all be heathens and pagans. Many of us would be slaves!

We should all count our blessings and praise God if we live in a so called Christian country. Slavery has been abolished in these countries.

As you celebrate Christmas this year; remember it is not about a stocky, bearded gentleman in a red suit. Christmas is to celebrate the birth of the Saviour, Christ the Lord. Without Him you would not be celebrating Christmas, or enjoy the liberty and freedom we have in our Western societies.

Enjoy this time of the year, with your family and friends; and give thanks to God for the Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour.

May you truly experience God's blessings this Christmas.

Jon Peasey
Biblical Perspectives blog

[All Scriptures quoted are from the New King James version; unless otherwise noted. Words in [ ] are inserted for clarity. Words in bold type emphasise a point.]

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